
Hey, I'm Max!

Holographic Consciousness Mentor, Reader, Reiki Master, Pathway Navigator

I am a personal transformation mentor with over seven years of experience studying and living a holographic approach to consciousness.

If I could sum up what it is that I actually do: I help people on the journey of consciousness expansion come to know and value the uniqueness of who they are... Who they truly are and why they're here at this time on the planet.

My own journey began with a complete redirection at 21, when I realized that the life I thought I had figured out was a house of cards. Through a deep process of self-inquiry and transformation, I moved from a career as a professional dancer to exploring the nature of consciousness...

Guided by my mentor, Dr. Helen Mosimann Kogan, and intensive training in the nature of reality, I learned (and continue to learn) how to help people transform limiting beliefs and connect viscerally with the higher realms (the higher self) -- by going through this process myself!

Drawing on my background in ecology, genetics, plant medicine, Yoga, Ayurveda, Meditation, and Breathwork, I work with clients to bring clarity, empowerment, and alignment with their soul’s true vision.

If you’re ready to gracefully navigate profound change, by developing a rooted and deep connection with your higher self, I’m here to guide you with compassion, insight, and creative solutions.

To know yourself, you must become aware of what and why you think the way you do... To become aware of this is to then become free to choose what you believe. To become free to choose what you believe, is to become free to consciously create your reality. To become a conscious creator is to remember who you truly are.


Single Consults

90 Minute Holographic Consult + Energy Attunement (EA)

If you desire clarity and support but don't feel ready to commit to a longer-term mentoring program, then these single consultations are a great option. These sessions are a fabulous taster of my work.

  • 90 minute intuitive consultation and recording

  • 50 minute energy attunement (to be completed on a separate day)

  • Written feedback via email

Total value: $375

Today Just $250


"Max's ability to weave through timelines...

and lifetimes on the other side is rare and exceptional. When he shared with me the vision of my "higher self" he received prior to our call, it was an EXACT description of a drawing that I had done months prior of a "future self portrait"... wild!

- Claire, Birth Worker


Group Courses

  • Fortnightly group zoom calls

  • Energy Attunements

  • Monthly Individual Check-in calls

  • Guided journaling

  • Deep dive into the symbolism of The Tarot, The Runes, and The Chakras

  • Expand self-awareness and transform

  • Develop your Intuition

  • Build connections within a supportive community.

Chakras Club: $499/month

begins March 21st, 2025

Reiki & Breathwork

Feeling emotionally or energetically "off"?

  • Work with loving presence to channel life force energy for:

    - Healing

    - Rejuvenation

    - Energetic upgrades

    - Clearings

  • Provide a sacred space for deeper transformation to occur.

  • Offer tools to guide you toward a more peaceful state of being.

60 minutes: $150 USD

Intuitive Readings

Seeking guidance and support? Wondering about the messages your higher self has for you?

  • Intuitive readings offered using:

    - The Tarot

    - I-Ching

    - Oracle Cards

    - Astrology

    - Numerology

  • Connect with your higher self

  • Receive clarity, direction, and supportive guidance

60 minutes: $150 USD

Feeling called?


10-Week Transformational Breathwork Program

Emotional Intelligence Uplevel

Do you desire deeper emotional healing?

Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, confusion, stuck emotions?

Or maybe you just feel plain old numb?

Then breathwork could absolutely be a way 'in' for you...

Discover the simple and extraordinary power of your breath with Core Clearing Breathwork— a conscious connected breathing practice— and create positive shifts in the direction and quality of your life.

We'll explore eight essential areas of life: Health, Prosperity, Love and Relationships, Confidence, Influence and Impact, Purpose, Creativity, Spirituality.

What's included?

  • Weekly 90 minute holographic consultations on Zoom with core-clearing breathwork

  • Heart-centered meditation recordings for personal use

  • 20% discount off a mentoring course (any of those listed below) to be used within 2025

Total value: $3250

Today Just $990


Revolutionary self-development for a new paradigm. These courses, developed by The White Rabbit Reveals™, help you understand and transform the funky stuff of life while you simultaneously get to know the many facets of your multidimensional self!

One-year or two-year structured mentoring.

Surrender to the inner Fool to conquer your World.

Develop your intuition, awareness and interpretation of signs, symbols, and holographic reflections.

Receive support through regular 2-hour consultations and transformative energy work.

Foster a highly interdependent relationship with oneself, others, and life.

Transform limiting beliefs and recreate your reality using the symbolism of the 22 Major Arcana archetypes.

Live the Chakras Part One

A fortnightly or monthly structured mentoring program exploring and profoundly transforming the themes of the first seven chakras.

Understand the role of the first seven chakras in daily life.

Receive support through regular 2-hour consultations and transformative energy work.

Purify and transform outdated concepts, constructs, and paradigms.

Expand your mind-body-spirit awareness beyond previous limits.

Experience a transformative course akin to an ayahuasca journey.

Ancient Keys For a New Paradigm

A 24-month Mentored program integrating Chakra clearing and upgrdes.

The Runes' origin story involves Odin’s sacrifice of the ego-self in the pursuit of wisdom, asking us how much we are willing to let go of for truth.

Explore Norse gods, their worlds, and their Oracle to expand your self-awareness.

Receive support through regular 2-hour consultations and transformative energy work.

Experience integrated chakra clearing and upgrades during your Rune journey.


"Max’s ability to weave through the veil...

and touch timelines and lifetimes on the other side is rare and exceptional. When he shared with me the vision of my “higher self” that he had received prior to our call, it was an EXACT description of a drawing that I had done months prior of a “future self-portrait”…wild!!!

In his sessions he balances the act of deep spiritual channeling with his capacity to remain grounded, present, and available for what his client is moving through. His insights in our consultation prompted a huge shift within my psyche and spirit that allowed me to break through some painful patterns and blocks that were keeping me from walking my dharmic path. The energy attunement that accompanied our live call was gentle and reaffirming, guiding me back towards right relationship with myself and my work in this life.

Thank you, Max, for your compassion and witnessing. It’s always a deep pleasure to work with you and I look forward to future experiences together."

"I recently had an energy healing with Max after I needed support with something I felt stuck with.

I have worked with Max several times over the years and each time I do I can feel the subtle (and not so subtle!) shifts within.

Max’s understanding of energetics and his shamanic abilities are a refuge to me at times when I forget who I am. The thing I appreciate most is his way of empowering me through this process, always bringing things back to me and my life in the here and now.

I would wholeheartedly recommend Max to anyone seeking to better understand themselves in a holographic nature.

Thank you Max 🙏🏼"

"La sesión de respiraciones sanadoras con Max me fue de gran ayuda,

me encontraba en un momento de gran confusión y el realmente me ayudó a comprender que era lo que me estaba bloqueando, a través de observar las emociones y abrazarlas sin juzgarlas. Recomiendo saltar a una de estas sesiones sin pensarlo tanto, vas a estar agradecido y en paz, como yo lo estoy ahora.

Gracias Max por tu escucha e inspiración."


"Max has been a godsend in my life. His insight, patience, and humour have supported me during a time of major transition in my life.

Working with Max provided me with the opportunity to dive deep into how my mind operates and uncover some unconscious themes in my life. This knowledge is invaluable and I will forever be grateful with my sessions with Max.

I highly recommend Max’s services and I look forward to working with him again in the near future!"

"I highly recommend Max Friedstein to help you through any blocks in your life.

He is an extraordinary Core Clearing Breathwork Facilitator, so wise and caring with amazing sensitivity and presence, creating a safe space that helped me through a breakthrough in a difficult block in my life, which dissolved after one session with him.

I felt a sense of relief feeling calm and at peace.

Thank you Max."

"This reading from Max...

was one of the most profound readings I have had. He transformed a simple career spread into a whole story about my dream life that resonated so deeply. He looked into my eyes and felt the pain I unconsciously carry which prevents me from reaching my highest potential. Getting a reading from Max is getting an outside look into your soul and advice that is soft and gentle that guides you to a more aligned path.”

“Max holds space beautifully...

and helped me see and unpack both my sun and shadow in a container of love, acceptance, and compassion. I didn’t know why I wanted to work with Max in this year long course–it just felt right on a deep level. I now see that the feeling was my soul’s yearning to be seen and heard without the constant judgment and narratives I adopted.”

“I found myself at a crossroads...

in not only my career but my life. I was sitting in a coffee shop anxiously weighing my options when Max walked in and sat next to me. I feel like spirit guided him to me in this moment to provide clarity on this decision. Max offered to give me a tarot reading, during which we pulled cards for each of the options I was weighing. Each card pulled reflected how I felt at that moment and provided guidance for my future in each option. Not only did Max's reading give me a sense of peace and direction, but it also gave me a deeper understanding of my spiritual journey and the transformation my soul desires. I am incredibly grateful to have had this guidance :)”

“Where to begin?…

I just completed Tarot for Transformation with Max. I can see now that meeting Max on his travels in South Africa some time ago was no accident. I have never had another person hold space for me in the way it was held during the coursework. With unconditional love and compassion. Without judgment. Up until I began the course, I don’t remember a time feeling that I wasn’t being judged in almost every relationship and interaction. I understand it now as just the opposite, that it was my own judgment I had to work through. The implications of working through this with Max can’t be understated. They have had and are continually unfolding to have an enormous impact on my life.

I look back on the past year and reflect on how the meaning of the course has changed and evolved throughout. This is another testament to Max and his abilities as a guide/mentor. I am reminded of a short story I listened to about a teacher and his students. The analogy is a long hallway which represents the course, as you veer towards the left wall, a guide’s job is to bring you back to the middle. As you veer towards the right wall, the same is true. I think for me I spent a lot of time leaning on both left and right walls, Max was always there guiding me into the middle. The unexpected was always something to be expected during the coursework and I could never have predicted the things that came up and the things I would work through. It blows my mind to think of it now, and even more so when I think about the Iain at the start of the course and the Iain in this moment now. They are completely different people in a way, but I hold a huge amount of love and compassion for that past version of myself. I would not have been able to hold that love without Max’s help.

Reflecting as I write this, I realize the biggest testament I can give to this work is that I want to do more, to go deeper. Max and I often spoke about this being a clearing up process, and I am humbled and grateful to be in the position to continue learning and finding out more about myself. In using the world as a mirror for self-reflection and dissolving the separateness that I have been taught throughout my life to see in the world.

Thank you so much Max, and to Helen and TWRR for making these courses available to the world.”

“I am very grateful to Max…

a most wonderful human, for leading me through the Tarot for Transformation course. This course requires you to learn and think about yourself in a way I have never experienced or thought about before. When I reflect upon the goals I set at the start of the course, I look back with great pride on how much I’ve grown and how much I have learned about who I am. This work and seeing the shadow parts of yourself are certainly not easy, but having the framework of this course coupled with Max’s guidance, and honesty, was a powerful experience that has shown me how capable and responsible I am for creating my own life the way I desire it to be. I now understand I will forever be learning and evolving but I feel much more grounded in who I am while learning to control my destiny by letting go and surrendering. Not forcing, not grasping, not stressing, but by being…and believing I am exactly where I am meant to be at this time in my life. I end this course with a deeper understanding that we all are being guided and protected, that the answers we seek are within and that truly our only job on this planet is to ride the waves of life the best we can - learning from the ones that have past, being open to the ones to come and having gratitude for the time floating around in between. Thank you to Max for the guidance and Helen / The White Rabbit Reveals for the course. 10 out of 10 shooting stars.”

“Max is a healer in the truest sense...

He taught me that we grow the most when we are uncomfortable. My sessions with him have been so unexpected and life changing- I cannot urge readers enough to enrich themselves by trying things Max’s way. My perspective has shifted to one that is very aware of my mind and body, and has given me the tools to take care of and listen to both. This is especially important in today’s climate. He offered me the platform and provided me the comfortable environment necessary to open that “can of worms” I would avoid- largely because I was afraid of how messy it would be and the amount of effort required to sift through it. It takes work, reflection, and patience. With Max, I’ve learned that there isn’t a “right way”. Just by showing up we are telling our minds and our bodies that we are open to healing- from the inside out.”

“As someone new to spiritual experiences...

I was a little hesitant going into a session while not knowing what to expect. Not only did Max make me feel 100% comfortable, he walked me through the process of what we would be doing and why. This helped relieve my stress about the process and be comfortable with the new experience we were going to embark on. Max is beyond skillful and knowledgeable about what he does it was extremely easy to put my trust in his hands. He read and moved my energies while encouraging me to open up blocked chakras through movement and breath. He safely lead me to parts of my past I didn’t realize were still affecting me and helped me create a safe place in my mind that I can always go to. With his help creating this space I now feel I will always have a safe place to go to in moments of anxiety. I send my love to all the people who will have the pleasure of working with Max in the future as it is truly an incredible, moving experience.”

“I have had 3 amazing life altering sessions...

with Max. I believe I’ve been on an ongoing journey since around the age of 15 (now 53), trying to understand and gain more clarity of who I am and why I behave and feel the way I do. This includes therapy, self help books, seminars, spiritual & energy type healers, etc... I’ve recently went through a life changing experience of a divorce after being with someone for 24 years. This has led me or I might say, has pushed me to start exploring and honoring my yearning to understand my self and sole purpose that much more. If Max and I had done this work together earlier than this week, I’m not so sure I would have been ready. As we know, its timing and things happen when they should. This is a perfect example of that.

The sessions took place in a loving, welcoming and safe place. It was personal, set with intention and flowed depending on what was right at that time. This I believe made for a more open mind set and productive session. Each session was unique in its own way. We worked on me/my little girl inside and the stories and beliefs I’ve been carrying around for 50 years that have been driving my life and choices I make or don’t. Again, this wasn’t something I wasn’t aware of, but working with Max brought it to a whole new level of discovery and acceptance. I was able to see that I don’t need substances to be in touch with my feelings or to feel. That my stories actually served a purpose, were protective, and what I signed up for. Which led to me to becoming more in touch with loving myself & finding my soul purpose. Sounds too good to be true, but it all happened and than some. I’m feeling more trusting, in touch with my inner self, intuitive, open to surrendering and allowing myself to experience life with less fear and more love towards myself and others. Major break throughs. I’m excited to continue the journey of loving & accepting my beautiful, special self and in turn being able to truly love & support others. I look forward to continuing the work with Max.”

"I want to enroll in this program because"....

“Those were the words describing the reason I wanted to join the course. When I learned about this program I didn't fully understand the content of it. Was it meditation? Was it therapy? What the heck is an Energy Attunement? I just felt that the target of this program is to introspect and understand your deeper beliefs. Those thoughts that influence the way you perceive the world and they are not accessible just by logic. Intuition is the key. When I joined the program I had serious issues of motivation to work and I was feeling very lost in my cynical, logical world. I was fairly pessimist and I was struggling to enjoy good moments. I would often find myself experiencing a nice moment and not being sure how to deal with it. Be happy? What is a nice moment? How do you define it? What is the criterion? Too many thoughts twisting around my head which were not allowing me to enjoy.

The course I followed consisted of 16 weeks during which we went through the 7 Chakras and in the final two weeks through the 6 Heart Virtues. For each Chakra and for the 6 Heart Virtues we devoted 2 weeks where during the first week we discussed about my experiences and my beliefs relevant to the content of the Chakra and in the second week we would do 3 Energy Attunements where I would basically contemplate on what we discussed the previous week and let my deeper thoughts emerge. During the course of the course I could say that a ton of subconscious thoughts, beliefs, complexes emerged and I managed to address them and come over them. However, throughout the whole course I was feeling strongly that there was no coherent target that is the endgame of the course. You see, my problem was that I was strongly attached to the notion of performance. If a process doesn't have a clear, measurable and tangible target it is just another case of loss of time and fooling around. And besides that, I had joined the program because I wanted to stop procrastinating in my work and because I was feeling a general discomfort with my life and myself. No shiny and "wow" moment of epiphany where I get enlightened and I am finally finding inner peace was actually happening!

All this continued until the last week of the course. Before my 3rd last EA I decided to sit down and do something that I was avoiding for far too long. I sat down and went through my tenor through the program. When I assembled all the scattered e-mails where I was writing to Max about my experiences in the EAs I made a realization that made me understand the meaning of what Max was trying to teach me. This process I got myself into was not a trip which had a shiny, "wow" moment of epiphany as its destination. It was actually a trip that started and it had no destination. It was a voyage of which the purpose was to become a voyager. It was a trip with the purpose of starting to perceive life, your beliefs, yourself as versatile experiences that can swing on the spiral of the unknown and grow as long as you experience. It was a change of perception, of an angle of view. From this course I learned not to do things for the "wow" moments because this mathematically leads to disappointment. I learned to perceive the moments I live as holy not because they are "wow" moments of happiness but because they are moments of being. And being is holy. Being is enough. You don't have to be anything else than what you are to be content with life. You just have to be what you are independently of your targets or your dreams. Dreams and targets are of course good but they should not be the prerequisite of happiness or the drive for achieving. Happiness is the aftereffect of acceptance of yourself and the drive for achieving is the aftereffect of a genuine need to create and to give birth and life to something.

And most important of all. During this course I understood how surrendered I was to cynicism. This is relevant to the majority of Western people at least. We grow up in a society whose cultural genetics bear the principles of the Enlightenment which are revolving around reason and science. However, these principles became the object of an obsession and now we grow up being proud of turning down and mocking the spiritual and the divine. I was like that, reducing everything to probabilities, math and reason. And that made me unhappy because I was choosing to see my instances of happiness as fleeting luck, my instances of success as a product of favourable circumstances, myself as a product of a pile of random biomes and random influences. Nothing special, no divine plan behind it, no sense of target. And all the nice moments were alienated from me because obsession with reason and control made me unable to fathom any experience. It numbed my senses and it numbed my feelings. Human life is how you choose to see it. You may choose to see the universe as a cold and Darwinistic place that was born out of randomness and is governed by the laws of randomness, consequently seeing your life as a coincidental occurrence that can actually go on until the end without finding any sense of purpose or you can choose to believe that you are connected with the universe just because you are a part of it and that everything you are and you will become is your journey in connecting with the cosmic energy. Your gateaway to that divine energy is your intuition. And the more you connect with it the more sense of "purpose" you may find. Living a human life without a spiritual compass feels like trying to find light in a world of darkness by circling around the same spot.”

“For a long time I believed...

that I could never go back to being the way I was when I was a child. I believed that the innocence and freedom I felt back then, was something I would never experience again. I still believe I will never experience it in that exact way again, but I have come to believe that I can experience a freedom even greater than that.

After years of seeing therapists and psychologists I felt like I was broken, in need of fixing or a savior. I thought I needed other people to care for me, to take me under their wings for me to feel a sense of belonging. I kept myself small and even sick in order to feel seen and taken seriously. I became afraid of not having an identity without my suffering, without playing the victim of life. Working with Max has shown me that I am not broken, that I do not need to be fixed or cured, and that I already belong. I belong just by being, by belonging to my true self. I now see that I can walk on another path after walking the same path or even ditch for years. I don’t only have to walk; I can also choose to sail on the ocean and trust that I will sail in the direction I’m meant to go. I trust that whatever I will see or experience, is meant to be there in exactly the way it will appear. It’s still a long way, but I love the ocean and I look forward to the whole journey, not just my final destination.”

“I had a wonderful and moving experience...

with Max. The session took place in a welcoming and personal setting that enabled me to feel completely comfortable. He helped me connect to my inner-child in a way I never have before. This connection lead me to many realizations that have helped me succeed present day. In turn, I have become more in tune with my feelings, and am more open to surrender to new opportunities.”

“I don't believe in coincidences...

and I met Max exactly when I was suppose to. I extremely needed to unfold events and emotions in my life and the work with Max helped me immensely to find meanings and answers. He has a natural gift for guiding people and makes them feel comfortable and accepted. I valued our three months work so much that I decided to begin a deeper and powerful extra work/journey together. The course helped me to value myself and find peace within me and my surroundings. I will always be grateful for meeting Max and all the life lessons I have learnt so far.”

Want to work with me?

Let's connect! Book a free potential client call to discuss where you're at and how I can support you!

Copyright 2025. Max Friedstein. All Rights Reserved.